✅ Your Trusted Source for Approved Sleep CSTE Credits ✅

My (4) Sleep CEU Bundle Pt.2

Limited Time Offer Reg. Price value $75All courses are designed to promote fast and easy learning with definitions that are brief.  


What you get: 

  • Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Therapy - (1) BRPT credit
  • REM Sleep Behavior Disorder- (1) BRPT credit
  • OSA in Children with Autism - (1) BRPT credit
  • Treating COPD in OSA Patients - (1) BRPT credit 


What People Are Saying:

"Another great course - Thank you!"



"Very helpful info!"



"Thanks Very well explained in simplified way. This is helpful on patient sleep assessment."



I learned a lot regarding COPD! All sleep technologists should know this information due to the population we treat with this disease.



50% Complete

Two Step

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